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[HANASHIR:5247] Pesach rap

Does anyone know the Pesach "rap" :
Who knows One? I know One? One is Hashem, one is Hashem, One is Hashem, who
made the heavens and the earth.  Ah, oo, oo, ah....  
A friend of mine is looking for a recording of this (to be used as part of a
children's exhibit in the Jewish Museum in Amsterdam).  If you have this
tape, or know where to get it, please let me know!  Todah Merosh, or thanks


Cantor Josee Wolff
Commission on Synagogue Music
633 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10017
(212) 650-4226 / musiccommission (at) uahc(dot)org

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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