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[HANASHIR:5194] Re: Kol Han'shamah pronounciation

BTW, I hope no one mistakens my attempts at humor to belittle the issue.  I
admire you for analyzing the subject in such detail, and I'm glad to learn
more about this beautiful song.  I wish I had something to add to the
discussion, but I don't.

Please inform me when a debate winner is selected.  I've got bets placed on
Rabbi Alter.  GO KEN!

At 03:14 PM 2/10/00 +0000, you wrote:
>Just when Dan wants to "call the whole thing off", I feel I should add
>my 2 cents worth. All grammatical debates about "shva" aside, the
>spelling nishamah (with the letter "i") has led a whole bunch of folks
>to sing the song as, "kol hanishamah(knee-shamah), which is clearly the
>wrong pronounciation. This spelling can also be confused with the Hebrew
>vowel "chirik" (the ee or ih sound),which is a full vowel sound; unlike
>the sh'va, a stop, as written in the Hebrew. These are two reasons I
>suggest saying and writing other versions than with the "i". Best
>regards, laura harari

Daniel A. Singer        H: (734) 397-1950  W: (810) 238-1350 ext. 4253
1713 Glenshire Dr.      Flint Institute of Music, Temple Beth El
Canton, MI 48188        Bass Voice, Guitar
"If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
         If I am for myself alone, who am I?
                           If not now, when?"

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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