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[HANASHIR:5193] Non-musical

Adrian, if I have overstepped the bounds on this please let me know.

Dear Colleagues,

        My daughter, who is just 18, has been accepted at the San Francisco Art 
Institute. I am very leery about sending her all the way across the country 
(We live in Cambridge, MA) to a school that has no dorm and is expecting her 
to find a roommate and an apartment. I need to know some first hand info 
about the school from students. If anyone out there knows anyone who is at, 
or has been, to SFIA could you please get him/her in touch with me. I need 
all of the help I can get. Any suggestions would be good.

Thank you so much. If you have ever sent a kid off to college, you'll know 
my mind set. Yuck! Margie Hilton (MargieHill (at) hotmail(dot)com)

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