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[HANASHIR:5167] Re: Haftara Kadma

In a message dated 02/07/2000 8:17:41 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
jrowland (at) bhcong(dot)org writes:

> I have also encountered tutors who don't even realize that
>  Kadma exists, singing all of them like Pashta, in both Torah and
>  Haftara. The other common mistake is the mercha-tevir combination, where
>  the mercha is sung as if it were mercha-tipcha.
You know, it's interesting.  I'd wondered also where people got this idea.  
This is the way Spiro teaches it in his Haftarah chanting.  It was making me 
crazy.  Now I teach the trop class, where my students learn the brachot as 
well.  A kadma is now a kadma!

barbara barnett

If I am not for myself, who will be?
If I am only for myself, what am I?
If not now, when?
Im lo achshav, ei matai
-----Pirkei Avot

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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