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[HANASHIR:5156] Re: trop analysis and origins

A couple of resources in the more musicological vein: 

On the subject of Askenazi "performance practice" for taamei ha-mikra
A paper by Hanoch Avenary "The Askenazic Tradition of Biblical Chant
Between 1500 and 1900" traces the earliest notated sources of various
realizations of the taamim.   (Documentation & Studies, Tel-Aviv
University, 1978.) Call #: ML3195 A93N32.

Also by Avenary,  and presenting an interesting cross-cultural
perspective on the origins of the Biblical chant:  "Studies in the
Hebrew, Syrian, and Greek Liturgical Recitative' (Israel Music
Institute, POB 11253, Tel-Aviv. 

Sorry, I don't have the call number on that one at hand.  Both should be
available in a university music library.

Carol Delton
Oakland, CA

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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