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[HANASHIR:4922] Re: Motown Purim

Last year, Rabbi Ken Chasen (of the fantabulous Mah Tovu) wrote a wonderful
Motown Purimshpiel for Westchester Reform Temple...I'm not sure of his
e-mail address, but the phone number of the temple is: (914) 723-7727.  I'm
sure he would be willing to share.

By the way, for the person who was asking about female Cantors in the
Conservative movement, I was just accepted to JTS Cantorial school, and
will be starting there in the fall.  Many of the people in my entering
class are women, as well as are the majority of the current students.  So
in a few years there should be many more women out in the field.  My
impression of the Canadian conservative movement is that it leans to the
right...that was the case when I visited a few shuls in the Toronto area,
and spoke with people who lived there.   You can feel free to e-mail me
privately on this issue...

-Joanna S. Dulkin

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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