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[HANASHIR:4893] Re: concert dates

Judy, and anyone interested (I am really lax in my paper work for promotion 
and publicity - I am lousy at it) - but folks in and around Orlando can find 
me at the Congregation for Liberal Judaism where I will be 
artist-in-residence Friday night January 21st, Saturday night adult concert 
on the 22 and a family concert on the 23. For more specific information 
contact Beth Shaffer at MacBethAS (at) aol(dot)com
I will be focusing on Blessings and Tu Bishvat songs and the family concert 
be my usual mix - interactive, fun community presentation geared for the 
younger set and their parents - songs about Trees, and Nature and Caring for 
the World etc. 

If anyone out there would like to do some extra booking, let me know. 
I spend too many hours in the studio to surface long enough to look for gigs. 
And I will come up for air after Rick Calvert's new recording is done. Look 
for it by June. After that I would also be open to doing more producing if 
anyone is looking for a creative producer, let me know. I try to only do 3 
recording projects a year.

Fran Avni
singer/songwriter, performer/producer etc

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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