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[HANASHIR:4871] Re: Campy-type services in Balt./Wash

Since I noticed a number of people posting from the Baltimore/Washington 
area, I'm wondering:

Do you know of any synagogues or groups that have campy-type creative 
services in the Baltimore/Washington area? As a former camp counselor and as 
someone who had been involved in Kesher (the Reform college student group), 
I miss those services. You know what I with guitar, song 
sessions, poetry, etc. I just don't get my musical fix attending two or 
three concerts a year, you know?


>From: Emily Blank <eblank (at) fac(dot)howard(dot)edu>
>Reply-To: hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: "'hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org'" <hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: [HANASHIR:4776] Re: Part-time cantorial study
>Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 15:05:03 -0300
>I'd like to ask for the help of anyone in the Washington D.C. area who
>conducts life cycle events.  I just finished a lay cantorial program (David
>Shneyer's "Maalot"), and am qualified to sing at life cycle events (el
>malay rachamim, sheva berachot, etc.).  However, before I conduct such
>events on my own, I need to have a LOT more experience observing them so I
>can pick up the practical details.
>  Are there people out there who wouldn't mind having me tag along at a
>funeral, wedding, bris, or baby naming?  I presume that most people on this
>list would not need a spare lay cantor at such events, but I would also be
>willing to sing if requested.  David is letting me tag along to a baby
>naming later in the month, but I need more.
>I also am avaible to substitute for cantors in the area at services (my
>shameless self-promotion plug) and for tutoring people for a bar or bat
>Many thanks.  I need all the help I can get.
>Emily Blank, home phone 301-277-5842, eblank (at) fac(dot)howard(dot)edu
>P.S.  I noticed a message on this list server from Miriam from Beit Tikvah
>in Baltimore.  This is my Mom's synagogue, and I'd like to say hi to Miriam
>and to anyone else from the synagogue that's on here.  Linda Baer, are you
>out there?
>-----Original Message-----
>From:  Batya417 (at) aol(dot)com [SMTP:Batya417 (at) aol(dot)com]
>Sent:  Thursday, November 25, 1999 9:15 PM
>To:    hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org
>Subject:       [HANASHIR:4527] Re: Part-time cantorial study
>May I also suggest The Academy for Jewish Religion
>in New York (where I am a Rabbinical student)
>A pluralistic school
>which has an established Cantorial program
>plus a "mechina" (preparatory) program for would-be cantors,
>and which is opening a Los Angeles campus in the spring.
>Call 212-875-0540 (the school) or e-mail me privately for more information
>Happy Hodu
>Ellen Batya Diamond

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