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NYC:SUN. 4/25 Yom Ha'atzmaut Israeli Folk Dancing with live music

SUNDAY APRIL 25 - Yom Ha'atzmaut Israeli Folk Dancing with live music & 
special invited guests including Israeli singer Ron Eliran
Dance leaders & musicians Rose & Meir Beer (accordianist & drummer,
respectively) will be returning to lead the band with great music for
dancing (the way it was before technology took over) for a very special
evening to celebrate the 56th birthday of Israel.  Also, special guests
have been invited from the Israeli dance and music world, including
Israeli singer Ron Eliran (of Ron & Nama as well as Sharm El Sheikh fame).
So if you are in New York City, you are also invited to join us. 

Evening Schedule (tentative)  
7-8pm Teaching 
8-9pm Dancing to live music 
10-11pm Dancing to recorded music

Contact Information: 917-207-0093; rdr (at) rikud(dot)net;
Location: Bridge for Dance 2726 Broadway @ 104St
Contribution: $10

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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