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"The Lachmann Problem"

Dear friends:

Does anyone have this book and if so can you please report to the list on 
the contents of the CD?

Pesah sameach,


>"The Lachman Problem": An Unsung Chapter in Comparative Musicology
>Including Unpublished Letters and Lectures of Robert Lachman
>Yuval Monograph Series
>By Ruth Katz
>DanaCode 45-337018
>ISSN 0334-3758
>Subjects Yuval: Monograph Series Music
>Publishing Date: November 2003
>Language: English   Hardcover   24x17 cm   422 Pages
>Price: 35 $
>The Lachmann Problem tells an unknown story about a well-known German 
>musicologist, Robert Lachmann (1892-1939), best known among scholars whose 
>interest centers on Arabic music.
>After being ousted by the Nazi regime, Lachmann arrived in Palestine in 
>1935 to join the staff of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. However, 
>many University officials misunderstood his interests, which was primarily 
>based on a conception that the unfamiliar field of musicology was a 
>"luxury" which the University could ill afford at the time. Presented in 
>this volume are letters and documents, published for the first time, 
>revealing not only a picture of life in Palestine during the 1930's, but 
>providing new information on the early stages of comparative musicology 
>and offer new insights into the thinking of its founding fathers. Others 
>of these documents betray the daily routines, working style and 
>methodology as well as the unanticipated hardships which Robert Lachmann 
>encountered. These are embedded in letters to parents, correspondence with 
>former colleagues, progress reports, lectures and radio lectures, and 
>petitions to academic and bureaucratic authorities and several brilliant 
>attempts to introduce non-European music to Europeans, and Orientals, 
>Arabs and Jews alike, who were urged to cherish their musical heritage.
>These documents were chosen primarily for their relevance to an unsung 
>chapter in the history of musicology, which epitomizes Robert Lachmann's 
>trying times.
>  Comments: CD attached on back cover.

Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420

781-862-4104 (Telephone & FAX)
joel(dot)br (at) verizon(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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