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Boston Klezmer Brunch report and Future events

Hello, all,
And here is a report for those who missed the most excellent Klezmer Brunch
in Cambridge last Sunday, March 14th.
A great turnout (>15 people, I would guess at one point?) and a lot of new
faces, who could really play their instruments!
We had at least four violins (the fidls could really hear themselves!),
several clarinets,a flute, several saxophones, bass clarinet, acoustic and
bass guitars, piano, accordion, concertina, and, of course Dan Wikler on the
tsimbl! (I personally come for the food-- Dan serves great bagels, lox and
shmear..)We just need a director like Frank London, and we are ready to take
it on the road!
  Played quite a bit of European klez (too much, perhaps?)-- from
Kostakowsky and German G.'s collection.

Come out everyone for future dates:

April 11th --  a salute to Easter with macaroons and passover bagels! We are
back in Reading, Mass, although a different house, much bigger than mine,
with a nice piano. Right off I93, so NH folks, please come on down, again!
Details TBA!

May 16h -- we are part of the annual arts weekend at Temple Emmanuel in
Wakefield, MA. An arts  show (lots of spectators and potential
participants?) and great music!

Till next time,
Vlad Liberman

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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