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Re: New CD: Sephardic/Portugues Traditon by Abraham Lopez Cardozo

In a message dated 3/11/4 6:43:50 PM, joel(dot)br (at) verizon(dot)net writes:

<< Does anyone know if this is a re-release of the Tara Cardozo recordings, 
newly made recordings?
>From the accompanying booklet.

This CD combines recordings of Abraham Lopes Cardozo carried out over a span 
of almost half a century. Released here for the first time are historical 
studio recordings carried in New York City in the late 1950s under the auspices 
the Jewish music connoisseur Jacob Michael. In the 1960s Michael's 
collection...became the solid foundation of the Jewish Music collection at the 
Department of the Jewish National & University Library in Jerusalem......

The criteria used in he preparation of this CD depart from the most previous 
(Tara) publications related to the Rev. Lopes Cardozo. ( the Tara 
releases, Cardozo, who is accompanied by guitar and flue, sings arrangements 
are extraneous to his style. The recordings in the 3 CD set "Historical Music 
of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue of the City of New York [2003} are 
closer to the approach used in this CD .....) 
We have included pieces representing the diverse musical genres found in 
every Sephardi liturgical tradition .... in 2001-2002, Essica Marks and Edwin 
Seroussi carried out substantial new recordings of liturgical genres that were 
conceptualized as "music" by previous collects... we recorded anew items that 
had not been recorded properly or had been recorded partially in the past.
Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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