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Re: Wingograd

I was there, too, and want to echo Dena's enthusiasm.  Without repeating 
what she said, I'll add that their accomplishment, for such a young group, 
is amazing.

Suggestion to all:  if Khevre comes your way, don't miss them.  They don't 
have the polish or the experience of some of the groups out there, but they 
do have a distinctive sense of the music and the tradition that is quite 
special.  There was not a moment last night that wasn't engaging and they 
never lost my attention, which is more than I can say for many better-known 
groups.  Long may they play together and prosper.


Jonathan Delatizky

At 07:32 AM 3/11/2004, you wrote:
>         Just a quick "yasher koyakh to Michael Wingograd and his group
>Khevre for a remarkable concert last night in Cambridge, MA at the
>Zeitgeist (sp? ) gallery.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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