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College Paper


     I am a freshman at college. I am doing a paper on gender identity and Klezmer in one of my classes and I am hoping to communicate with some people who have played or are playing in a Klezmer Band. More specifically I am hoping to interview (most likely via email) bands members and ask them questions on the role(s) that gender idenity plays within Klezmer music, focusing on women and homosexuals. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to put me in contact with some people who might be willing to help out. I would really appreciate your help and would be happy to answer any questions you might have about my paper or send a copy of it to you when I am finished. I was hoping that you would be willing to fill out a questionaire that I would email you and you could email back. Any information you give can remain anonymous. If you do not feel comfortable being directly quoted or referred to by name in my paper then just let me know in the


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