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Fwd: Jeannette LaBianca Yiddish-Hebrew album question

Can anyone help this person?

>Reply-To: lessardbrandt (at) bostontrades(dot)com
>Can anyone provide me with information about Jeannette La Bianca?
>I have also found her name listed as Ginetta La Bianca, Jeannette Gloria La
>Bianca, or LaBianca.

>She was the youngest ever singer to perform a leading opera role, in Italy
>in 1950 when she was 16.  I acquired 2 of her records, one of which is
>"Heart Warming Yiddish-Hebrew Favorites" on La Car label (signed
>by Ms. La Bianca), and the other produced by Allen B. Jacobs on
>Tikva label called La Bianca Recorded Live in Carnegie Hall.

>I am trying to learn more about her career, and the latest info I
>can find on the web are about 2 performances in 1961 and 1962.
>I would like to know if she ever recorded on a major, national label,
>and how her career progressed or ended.

>Thanks if you can take the time to share what you may know!
>Kristine Lessard
lessardbrandt (at) bostontrades(dot)com 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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