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Re: Zara

> From: "David Gussman" <dsgussman (at) cox(dot)net>
> Can anyone tell me what is the liturgical 
> source for the lyrics for the song "Zara"?  
> The first line is Zar-a cha-ya v-ka-ya-ma, 
> Zar-a di lo yif-suk .

The text is from the Aramaic prayer "Y'kum Purkan" (about 3 lines in) recited 
on Shabbat immediately after the Haftarah. It's a wish or blessing for 
"vigorous healthy children who will not neglect the ways of the Torah". 

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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