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singing about rabbis

Thanx a lot to the people who answered my question about der rebi Elimelech. 

While on the subject of rabbis, does anyone know whether Rabenu Tam of Manger's 
song was THE Rabbenu Tam (Rashi's grandson)?


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Lori M Simon 
  To: World music from a Jewish slant 
  Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 11:51 AM
  Subject: Re: der rebe elimelech

  Hi Batya,

  There was a discussion about this a number of years ago on the list.  Perhaps 
you could search the archives?  I think it was spelled differently in the 
subject heading.

  Meanwhile, it was written by Moyshe Nadir (pseudonym) in 1920-something.  
Possible relationship to Old King Cole.  There was a real Elimeylekh.

  Klezmatics do a wonderful rendering of "Makht oyf!", a happy, drinking 
sounding song for purim.  Is it recorded?  There are many wonderful purim 
songs.  I have two by Gelbart on my latest album, "Urim-burim" and "A gut 
yontef, yidn".  Text for both by J. Kaminsky.  Then there's the cute "Hop, 
mayne homentashen" by Pirozhnikov.  Anyone know whether the music is by him, 
also?  I could go on for days.


  On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 10:59:26 +0200 "Batya" <batya_l (at) macam(dot)ac(dot)il> 
    Hi folks!

    Can anybody tell me about Der Rebe Elimelech? Any connection with Old King 
Cole? Was there a real Elimelech? Etc.?

    Can you recommend any other happy or drinking songs for Purim?

    Thanks a lot,
    Happy Purim,


  You can hear clips from Lori's CDs at:
  Email me for purchase or buy at CD Baby or Hatikvah Music at:

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