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Re: Please unsubscribe me

Several others seem to have had trouble with this, so here is a translation 
of the instructions at the bottom of each message (sorry I can't do it in 

There are two important points contained in the apparently cryptic message:
"To unsubscribe email listproc (at) shamash(dot)org and have your message read:
unsubscribe jewish-music".

If you want to unsubscribe,

1.     Do _not_ send your request to the entire list. We are, of course, 
sorry that you must leave, but to make it work you must send a 
message               TO: listproc (at) shamash(dot)org             (instead 
of          TO: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org        ). That makes it go to 
bit-bashers who actually run the list instead of the people who read the 
list.  And ---

2.     The _message_ part of your message (the place where you would 
normally express a strong opinion about Kol Isha, or whatever) should 
simply read:              unsubscribe jewish-music

The word "unsubscribe" tells the folks at shamash that you want out, and 
the "jewish-music" tells them which of their many lists you want to get out of.

I hope this helps Albert and any others in a similar situation.

At 03:16 AM 1/20/2004, you wrote:
>Can any one tell me how to unsubscribe?
>         Albert

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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