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Hey, so what's the deal with Tonic?

I'm writing to let y'all know that the Tonic Sunday klezmer brunch series 
will be cutting back to once a month - the last Sunday of each 
month.  There will be no brunch in January - the series will resume on 
February 28th.

We are currently working out structure (discussing perhaps two sets of two 
different bands, ensuring food, etc.).  It is the hope of everyone involved 
that the new schedule will lead to larger audiences, now that hearing 
klezmer at Tonic becomes a more "special" thing.

Meanwhile, David and I are looking into other possible venues for a weekly 
Sunday series on the upper west side.

Thanks for your understanding and I look forward to seeing you at Tonic 
again soon!


Jeff Perlman
jeffrey(dot)perlman (at) aya(dot)yale(dot)edu

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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