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KlezKamp 2003 in Forverts

In this weeks "In Der Velt Fun Yidish" column by Freynd Itzik Gottesman
(January 9 2003) is a good spread with 3 photos from KlezKamp 2003.

There's even a picture of me (you need to know it was me because my head's
about 1/8 inch in the picture) tsmibling along with Joshua Horowitz
and Dan Wikler; under the caption "un di tsimbldike tsimblert". I'm
the seated on at the rear; Josh is seated in foreground.

If your newstand doesn't carry it, and you don't subscribe, the article
with a picture of Christan David and kinderlach is at - click the third blue box down 
("In Der Velt Fun Yidish").

Ronan Tsimbler

r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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