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DJ Socalled (Josh Dolgen) in LA 12/18

[Note to list members., check out the way cool graphic at

If you're in LA, Don?t miss DJ Socalled (also known as Josh Dolgen)
in Los Angeles at the Echo on 12/18 ? Spread the word!

Avada presents the Los Angeles premiere of ?master magician
mixologist? DJ Socalled. Working turntables, drum machines, accordion,
piano and vocals (yes, all at once), Socalled mixes strains of jazz, funk
and everything else with klezmer, the music he calls home. Sampling
hip hop beats, old Yiddish vaudeville, and bits of klezmer clarinet, he
crafts soundscapes of  unexpected world?s colliding for a shtetl-fabulous
early khanike (Hanuka in Yiddish) dance party.
Socalled is joined by LA musicians from Critical Brass Band, and Ancestry
of Sound, and DJ Josh Kun for a live late night session.
Enjoy an Extreme Khanike Wine Tasting, 8 PM
Confrontational wine-tasting in a nightclub setting.
Eight wines and hors de? ouevres. RSVP at
extremewinetasting (at) yahoo(dot)com
Thursday, December 18, 2003
DJ Socalled at 10 PM
The Echo
1822 Sunset Blvd. in Echo Park, just east of Park Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA
$10 admission; $25 for wine tasting and Socalled
No sign, the front is painted gold. Free Parking behind.
Info: 323/ 692-8151;
avada (avade means ?of course? in Yiddish) is a project of
Yiddishkayt Los Angeles ?
revolutionizing Yiddish in the 21st century.
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