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Re: "Early Recordings of Jewish Music in Poland" (and Ukraine)

Thanks, Joel-- very exciting news-- looking forward to seeing this...on a 
related note, wasn't sure if list members had seen the recent article by 
Jeffrey (Itzik-Leyb) Wollock in the most recent ARSC (Archives for Recorded 
Sound Collections) Journal-- in it he provides a discography and excellent 
background on the State Ukranian Ukranian SSR band -- this is the band than 
list members may be most familiar with for the recording of the badkhones with 
virtuosic violin by Rabinovitch and a whole lot of theatrical boo-hooing from 
the bride.   
Wollock was able to meet and interview two people who were in Kiev in the 
1930's and had direct knowledge of the band-- one was actually at the recording 
Provides great details on the background of Rabinovich the violinist (turns out 
he was in his 70's at the time and also that he didn't have a reputation as a 
great fiddler -- hard to imagine given the virtuosity exhibited on the 
badkhones recording).  Should be noted that Rabinovich's grandfather was a 
teacher of the legendary Berditchev fiddler Kholodenko (aka Pedotser).
Also very interesting that the article makes a direct link between Beregovski 
and the ensemble-- Beregovski it seems was personally involved in putting the 
ensemble together and setting up the recording.
Should also put in a plug for Wollock's older article in the ARSC Journal from 
1997 which provides a discography for European recordings 1911-1914 and 
provides a number of great details on the Belf Orchestra.

Joel Bresler <joel(dot)br (at) verizon(dot)net> wrote:
Dear friends:

I am pleased to relate that my colleague Michael Aylward has started to 
publish some of the results of his impressive seven-year effort to compile 
a discography of commercial European Jewish recordings on cylinders and 
78s. His article (title above) appears in Vol. 16 of "Polin, Studies in 
Polish Jewry", Oxford and Portland, OR, The Littman Library of Jewish 
Civilization, 2003.

He is covering traditional Jewish music, defined here as excluding 
performances in the classical tradition. So far, Michael has documented 
5,500 recordings. It's well worth getting a copy of the article.

Michael would welcome assistance with the project and I am happy to forward 
inquiries to him.



Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420

781-862-4104 (Telephone & FAX)
joel(dot)br (at) verizon(dot)net

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