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Re: In search for tsimbl-teacher

If I udnerstand right, she already plays the instrument, and is looking
to learn klezmer style on it.

In that case, one thing to do (besides find a private teacher) would be to
attend a series of Jeff Warschauer's workshops which I beleive will start
up mid-to-late January.  He has one in NYC at 33/Park (Arbeiter Ring),
and one out in Park Slope, Brooklyn.

I suspect she would find it very informative and give a chance to play
with others, therefore not learning just "klezmer tsimbl", but how
to play when you are the sole rhythmic component, how to play melody
with a secund fiddle - all the possible situations a tsimblist may find
themselves in.

Also, I wonder if she would be interested in teaching me what she
knows.  Though she may not have the klezmer-thing, if she's playing
small tambel I suspect there's lots she could teach me.

r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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