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Re: Music of the Abayudaya

In a message dated 12/6/3 2:12:49 PM, lkoenick (at) erols(dot)com writes:

<< Dear Friends,
I am in the middle of listening to the beautiful music of the Abyudaya
received from Simon last night and am compelled to write.  I know it is
still Shabbos but reading the liner notes that literally brought a few
tears and threatened more and listening to the music is as close to
being in shule as I can imagine and I don't think G-d will mind.  It
makes me hope that more unknown (to us) wonders exist.
Leonard Koenick  

Dear Leonard and List Members.
I am thrilled that you enjoy this CD. I think this is an amazing recording, 
and the response has been positive from everyone who has heard it. I really 
didn't think it was going to get as wide an audience as it has. It's good to 
that every once in a while a hidden treasure will be discovered.

I will be extending the special price of $15.98, INCLUDING Shipping within 
the US through the month of December to members of this list. Therefore you 
specify that you saw this item on The Jewish Music list in order to get the 
special price.

Thank You
Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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