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Re: Giora Feidman story

Well here is a way that GF's music might find it self on such a TV show with 
out him or his management knowing anything about it, the music you heard on the 
Program may have been from a CD intended for "licensing" which are provided by 
a music "library" and licensed to clients for use in film and TV and radio 
broadcast. GF is on one such compilation though he goes unnamed as these types 
of "sessions" are "buy outs"   and un credited, I was doing a date and a 
"klezmer" CD was shown to me that when played was clearly Jewish music played 
Israeli style with what we were all convinced was Feidman on top. The clarinet 
player on the date "swore" it was Giora or a clone of G.,  this guy has 
listened to GF a lot and owns a number of his CD's.  If you do those kinds of 
sessions your gonna hear your self in lots of odd places. The only way anyone 
knows if the material is being used is if the person is the holder of the 
publishing rights , or whatever that stuff is called and a check comes in the 
mail. This story of mine isn't provable but I might be able to get a burn of 
the disk if someone is "real" interested. Al W.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Leonard Koenick 
  To: World music from a Jewish slant 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 7:58 PM
  Subject: RE: Giora Feidman story

  A number of years ago I was watching a program on TV, ostensibly about Jews 
and Israel, but in reality a proselytizing scam - you all know the drill.  I 
watched it to keep my blood pressure up.  Lo and behold, the "theme music" I 
recognized from a recording by Giora Feidman imitating the shofar calls on his 
clarinet.  I contacted his agent in NY about it but have no idea whether he 
ever forced them to stop or recovered any damages or for that matter whether he 


  Leonard Koenick. Baal tekiah



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