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Fwd [JLM] David Koussevitzky

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Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 23:28:50 +0200
From: raymond goldstein <raygold (at) 012(dot)net(dot)il>
To: I. Oppenheim <i(dot)oppenheim (at) xs4all(dot)nl>
Subject: Re: [JLM] David Koussevitzky (fwd)

In Israel some "oldish" cassettes  may  still  be on sale,[ try Noam Hafakot
or Galpaz] however I believe its Barry Serota's intention to reissue some of
the recordings on CD in the near future.[ Musique Internationale]

 David Kusevitsky also recorded for Folkways recs- now redistrabuted on the
Smithsonian site and sold  on a one to one basis -either in cassette or CD .

Symposium CDs in England  have also an all 4 Koussevitsky bros . CD with a
few tracks of DK. Obtainable through their website or from any major
internet UK shop.

However your work on DK will never be complete - without working knowledge
of the compositions he specifically wrote for his students  For Ex Rosh
chodesh Benchen and a magnificant Hashkiveinu recently recorded by Azi
Schawartz -[ Noam Hafakot ]
There ia also a vol of the shabbat morning service available on sale  [
Toronto Council of chazanim - distr. Tara Publications ]


Raymond Goldstein

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