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Re: Looking for supplier for Nussbaum Smidl Ougaard

Heh. If you had followed the link provided in the Klezmershack review 
(, you 
would have found the trio's website, and the order page:

I try not to put any review online without a link to either the artist's 
website (best, because then the artist can direct commerce as seems best) 
or to a website from which one can purchase the music.


At 09:07 PM 11/24/2003, you wrote:
>A friend wants to know from where he can order Nussbaum Smidl Ougaard's
>"Trio Klezmer" (KKR 007).
>I searched the three main Jewish music specialty sites and couldn't bring it
>up. Does anyone know who distributes it?
>Seth Rogovoy
>---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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