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Klezmerica, Minneapolis, Thurs Nov 6

>From: "Joe Vass" <joevass (at) comcast(dot)net>
>Subject: Klezmerica At The New Dakota This Thursday Evening!
>As you may know, the Dakota Bar & Grill has moved to downtown Minneapolis 
>at 10th & Nicollet, just a few blocks from the Convention 
>Center.  Klezmerica will be celebrating the move by performing at the new 
>Dakota this Thursday evening, November 6, from 8:30 PM until 12:30.  There 
>will be a $10 cover.  For more information, people can phone (612) 332-1010.
>The Dakota is one of America's foremost jazz venues and one of the Twin 
>Cities' finest restaurants.  Virtually every major jazz musician has 
>performed there.  Roy Hargrove called it "the most comfortable jazz club 
>in the world for musicians and audiences."
>As it happens, the national Reform Jewish movement will be holding its 
>Biennial Convention just a few blocks away, at the Minneapolis Convention 
>Center Wednesday, November 5 through Sunday morning, November 
>9.  Thousands from across the U.S. and beyond will be 
>attending.   Klezmerica has been selected to open the convention wtih a 
>brief "Welcome to Minnesota" performance Wednesday night, November 5, in 
>the Convention Center.  It may be that someone you know who is here for 
>the convention might also want to hear more of our music after their 
>convention participation ends on Thursday evening.
>Or someone else you know might enjoy hearing us at the new Dakota for the 
>first time.  So please feel free to forward this to anyone you think may 
>be interested.
>Hope to see you there!
>Joe Vass

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