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Discuss - Mordichai Werdyger's Kumzits CD

I know most on this list are not big fans of the "frumpop" aka 
"JM in the AM" genre.  I won't bother with my own disclaimer.

But I will admit - tho it may disgrace me in the eyes of my peers -
enjoying much of the new "MBD" album (tho I prefer to think of him 
as the son of the man whose voice I am trying to imitate, Dovid 

Kumzits is not quite as slickly produced as most of this frumpop these
days.  It starts out with little more than guitar accompiament, tho
by the end the inevitable synth patches come in.  Still, for a rooftop
recording from Jerusalem, tho I might wish it to be still less slick, it's
pretty nice stuff, and not just The Same Old - er, - Stuff.

Are there other reactions to this?  I wish this could start a trend to
more laid back production values in this stuff.  Oh, for a Skulaner CD 
in the vien of the early 60's "Bobov Nigunim Sung by Heimeshe Bobov Hassidim".

It's a new world in the world that never changes.


r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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