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Klezbos Saturday at NYU Queer Jews conference

Isle of Klezbos sextet plays at NYU's Bronfman Center
this Saturday night, November 1st
as part of the Queer Urban Retreat:
"Strength and Growth in Queer Jewish Communities"
a two-day conference focusing on activism and organizing in Queer Jewish 
8:00pm show - admission free, college ID required.
7 East 10th St (a brownstone/Hillel), NYC
Concert on the second floor -- beautiful & cozy!
or email conference organizer Mike Brown: mgb247 (at) nyu(dot)edu

Pam Fleming, trumpet & flugelhorn
Deborah Karpel, vocals
Debra Kreisberg, clarinet & sax
Catherine Popper, upright bass
Eve Sicular, drums
& special guest accordionist extraordinaire Ismail Butera

Latest Klezbos review (CDs at shows, in stores & at, & 

It's an unfortunate fact that once a musical genre is mature enough to have 
established a "traditional" form, many practitioners of that form forget that 
the people who developed the form were often just making it up as they went 
along in an effort to have a good time playing good music. The result is that 
art form designed to give delight becomes an exhibit to be examined. 
Drummer Eve Sicular and her musical compatriots totally get the delight side 
of the equation. When she's not busy working as a film historian, teacher, 
player in an astonishing array of ensembles playing an equally astonishing 
of styles or leading my favorite klezmer band, Metropolitan Klezmer, she's the 
organizer of klezmer's foremost all-women ensemble, The Isle Of Klezbos, and 
as good as I think Metropolitan Klezmer is, well, IOK is every bit as talented 
(the presence of several key Metropolitan players pretty much ensures that) 
and in some ways even more fun. 
The name of the band alone will tell you that there's a sense of humor at 
work here, as will titles like "Houdini Hora" and "Klezmerengue." There's also 
great musicianship (standouts include reedwoman Debra Kreisberg, accordionist 
Rachelle Garniez and vocalist Deborah Karpel - oh, heck, Sicular's a standout, 
too, as are Pam Fleming on horns and Catherine Popper on bass. This is a 
standout band.), a well paced blend of traditional and original compost ions, 
well, there's something here to bring that sense of delight to anyone with any 
interest in klezmer music. 
If Eve Sicular keeps this up, she's gonna have to put me on the payroll, I 
guess, because the music she's involved with is always so good that my reviews 
end up reading like press releases instead of criticism. "Greetings From The 
Isle Of Klezbos" is no exception. 
                                    -- Shaun Dale, COSMIK DEBRIS
151 First Ave #145, NYC 10003
tel:  212.475.4544
fax:  212.677.6304

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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