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Klezmer Events This Weekend At Boston's New England Conservatory

Hi everyone...

I would just like to let all you boston/near boston folks know that there are a 
couple of klezmer events going on at New England COnservatory this coming 
weekend in celebration of Jordan Hall's cenntenial.  All events are free, but 
you must have a pass... please see for more info on that  
...and now the events:

1. Satuday October 25'th: 2:30 pm
    Performance: East Is East and West Is West, and Here the Twain Do Meet:
Performances by NEC students and faculty of music from Indian, Turkish, and 
Eastern European Jewish musical traditions.
Williams Hall.

2. Sunday October 26'th: 5:00 pm,
Jordan Hall
    Closing Concert: Glorious Multitudes
Two musical traditions with strong roots at NEC join for a glorious conclusion 
to the weekend. Celebrating 23 years of Jewish music at NEC-the birthplace of 
the Klezmer Conservatory Band and many other current practitioners of 
traditional Eastern European music-alumni join students of the NEC Jewish Music 
Ensemble onstage in a reunion performance. And as gospel music finds renewed 
life in the new millennium, NEC?s Millennium Gospel Choir-which debuted at 
NEC?s Thomas A. Dorsey Gospel Jubilee in 2000-lifts its mighty voice.

Okay, hope some of you can make it
It would be great if this can get on the calendar ari, thanks--- Michael 


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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