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Re: Oriental? Sephardi? Eastern? Mizrachi?

And just to add to the fun, there is Sepharad, Sepharadi, which Alex
explained, and Nusach Sepharad, which is the siddur text and minhagim for
Ashkenazic Jews of (mainly) Chasidic descent.

Jordan Hirsch

Alex Jacobowitz wrote:

> B"H Munich
> > The Israeli term "edot ha-mizrakh" is probably much
> > more appropriate,
> Disagree majorly. When you talk about Eastern
> communities ("mizrach" as east), then you imply
> countries east of Israel: Iraq, Iran, Turkey, etc.
> But the Sephardi tradition is found in North Africa,
> in Russia, North Africa, New England, Western
> Europe, etc, just as the Ashkenazi tradition is
> found in New York, Germany, Hungary, Japan.
> And don´t get me started on the Italians.
> Perhaps most important is to remember that
> Sepharad and Sepharadi aren´t the same thing.
> That is, Sepharad (Spain, and Spanish Jews) may
> have had their tradition, their history, their
> language, etc. But the Jews of Arab lands
> have rights to their own categories (or see Norman
> Stillman)
> Iberian Jews (Sepharad in the case of Granada, for
>     instance) - and their descendants
> North African Jews (Morocco, et al)
> Oriental Jews (Yemen, etc)
> whether or not they follow the
> Sephardic Jewish tradition. Orient as general term
> for East works for me in a way that Mizrachi can´t
> match. The Jewish community in the furthest Orient
> (Japan) is Ashkenazi - don´t tell them they´re
> Mizrachi!
> Alex Jacobowitz
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