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online exhibit at Jewish Museum

Some of you may be interested to know about this online exhibit at the
Jewish Museum.

from The Scout Report (September 19):

Entertaining America: Jews, Movies, and Broadcasting

Since the rise of the nickelodeons, Jews have been bringing their own
performance sensibilities to audiences all over the United States and the
world in many different incarnations. Ranging from the comic genius of Jerry
Lewis to the vaudeville legend Al Jolson, Jews (like many other ethnic
groups) have become an indelible piece of the American entertainment fabric.
Provided by The Jewish Museum (in tandem with an ongoing exhibit at the
museum in New York), this online exhibit takes a look at certain popular
works (like The Jazz Singer) and the rise of Yiddish film and radio as a way
of looking at the relationships between Jews and American entertainment
media. Through the exhibit, visitors can read brief essays and view objects
related to such cultural phenomena as Seinfeld, Your Show of Shows, and
Yiddish film. [KMG]

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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