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RE: What IsJewish Music?

> Those who want to answer this perennial question have often cited a 
> statement by Curt Sachs at a World Congress of Jewish Music, from East
> to West (Sorbonne 1957): "Music made by Jews, for Jews, about Jews."

I didn't quite understand how Cyril Robinson related the David Hadju 
to Curt Sachs's attempt at a definition of Jewish music; but in any case and 
fwiw, I
believe Cyril unintentionally misquoted Sachs a bit.  As I've always understood 
Sachs (who had, I believe, previously averred that one could not define Jewish 
essayed (at the First International Congress of Jewish Music that Jewish music 

"that music which is made by Jews, for Jews, *as* Jews." 

"As" Jews--i.e., presumably (?--I don't have the entire relevant discourse at 
music composed for Jews by Jews consciously acting/composing as Jews

or (the way I was taught to understand it)

music composed by Jews for Jews to "use"/hear/integrate into their lives (?) as 

I'm not sure, actually, if the "as" part adds anything that isn't already 
contained in the
"for" part:  E.g., Mendelssohn didn't compose his Violin Concerto, I assume, 
(particularly, let alone exclusively) *for* Jews, *or* for his Jewish listeners 
to use in a
Jewish context or setting or ceremony.  

Some of Ernest Bloch's music was very much composed by him as a Jew, consciously
expressing in his music what he experienced as his Jewish musical/spiritual 
soul or
spirit.  But he didn't compose some of that music (e.g., I assume, the Israel 
particularly for Jews--it was, rather, what we would call a mainstream 
composition--nor was 
it intended, I assume, that Jews integrate this piece into their Jewish 
religious or communal
or life-cycle lives.  Whereas his Sacred Service was, I assume, more 
specifically intended
for a Jewish audience, and it was intended (at least, Bloch, we can assume, 
hoped) that
Jews would use it in a Jewish way:  They would worship to it.  So the "for 
Jews" and "as
Jews" seem--at least as I'm writing this; I'm willing to be persuaded 
otherwise--to go together.

Similar statements could presumably be made, e.g., about contemporary 
niggunim--i.e., folk
music--for prayer (like those on OPEN THE GATES!), or about songs or other 
intended for Jewish use at various life-cycle occasions.

Whereas, I think one could say, when music is intended for a more 
audience, it goes along with that that it is not intended for use in a 
specifically Jewish
way:  Paul Simon's songs, say, or Leonard Cohen's--even Leonard Cohen's songs 
specifically Jewish references; or, perhaps (?), some of the "fusion 
klezmer/jazz" compositions
by some of the bands associated with the Knitting Factory, Tzaddik, etc.

None of this, surely, is black-and-white (and _that's_ assuming it's making 
sense at all):
Pharoah's Daughters, say, or the Klezmer Mountain Boys, intends to play, often 
or sometimes,
for Jewish audiences--and expects, or hopes, that Jews will buy their CDs (as I 
do!); but they 
don't play for, or market their CDs to, *only* Jewish audiences (as I don't!).  
Will Jews listen/dance 
to their music "in a Jewish way"--i.e., "as Jews"?  What would that mean?

FWIW ...

Robert Cohen

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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