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Yiddish song about the cost....

At 11:19 AM -0400 9/11/03, Ari Davidow wrote:
On this subject and its related children, unless directly pertaining 
to Jewish music...

OK, to bring this subject back to the realm of Jewish Music, there's 
this song we do especially at synagogue fundraising concerts.  I 
found it on a 78 rpm disc that one of my parent's friends passed on 
to me upon cleaning out their attic some years ago.  The label reads:

Jewish Comic Song
Reb Jüdel gib Geld
G. Z. Weisman
mit violine
Columbia ES104

There are a number of patent dates on the label, the most recent of 
which is 1909, so it was probably recorded in that year or shortly 

We perform the first verse in Yiddish as best I could transcribe it 
and use my English adaptation for the 2nd and 3rd verses. I wrote the 
English verses when our synagogue in Greenfield, MA was raising funds 
for a new building.

Vilt ir a kosher yidl zayn?
Reb Yidl gib gelt, Reb Yidl gib gelt,
Mit a kosher shtik fleysh un a koshen vayn?
Reb Yidl, Reb Yidl gib gelt.
Vilt ir a koshern esrog amol?
A koshere mikve? Reb Yidl batsol.
Kharoyses un matses, un alts in der velt?
Mayn liber reb yidl, gib gelt, gib gelt.

Reb Yidl gib gelt, Reb Yidl gib gelt,
Azoy hot di heylike toyre geshtelt.
Vilt ir farkoyfn di eybike velt?
Reb Yidl. Reb Yidl gib gelt/

English verses copyright©Yosl Kurland

What kind of Jews do we have in this town,
Reb Yidl gib gelt, Reb Yidl gib gelt,
Will they build up their temple or watch it fall down,
Reb Yidl, Reb Yidl gib gelt,
Do you want a shul where to daven on Shabbos?
A non-sexist prayer book, a fresh clean pressed tallis?
A lulav and esrog to shake Succos day,
and a Succah to sit in, please Reb Yidl pay.

Reb Yidl gib gelt, Reb Yidl gib gelt,
In the words of the Toyre, the law we've been dealt,
Empty your pockets and tighten your belt,
Reb Yidl, Reb Yidl gib gelt.

Shoul every child learn to be a good Jew?
Reb Yidl gib gelt, Reb Yidl gib gelt,
A Hebrew school teacher must pay the rent too,
Reb Yidl, Reb Yidl gib gelt,
For stories and sermons we all like to hear
The rabbi works hard for us all through the year,
Do you want a Khazn to chant Kol Nidrey?
It costs, my dear friend, so please Reb Yidl pay.

Reb Yidl gib gelt, Reb Yidl gib gelt,
In the words of the Toyre, the law we've been dealt,
It's good for your spirit and good for your healt',
Reb Yidl, Reb Yidl gib gelt.

Zayt gezunt (be healthy),

Yosl (Joe) Kurland
The Wholesale Klezmer Band
Colrain, MA 01340
voice/fax: 413-624-3204
Please include your USPS address and phone number in your email 
signature on all business correspondence.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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