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Re: On and off topic: The next computer virus and Old/New World klezmer

Point well taken, Sandra. And I gave the CD a very good review, too, if 
memory serves.

The question I'm curious about is what has made for the turn to pre-New 
World klezmer, and you certainly seem to have gotten there before anyone 
else I was thinking of.

So, sports fans, anyone else want to weigh in on this question?
Or am I going to have to invent stuff if I write this piece?


Sandra Layman wrote:

>Would it be dreadfully out of place for me to slip in a mention of my CD,
>"Little Blackbird," which consists of mostly live recordings from way,
>waaaay back in 1982-85, of klezmer and related violin music played in
>traditional styles?
>I learned those klezmer tunes starting in 1978, from 78 r.p.m. recordings.
>In fact, some say that all that's missing on my CD is the scratches. Others
>say that scratching is my specialty. ;-)
>Still others are mad at me 'cuz ma feet's too big -- and maybe because I was
>mostly doing all this fiddlistic cavorting way out in a damp corner in
>Seattle. Of all places!
>Sandra ("Dinosaur Stirs in the West") Layman
>Now, back to our regularly-scheduled brooding about shul dues and komputer

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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