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Re: recording of Avinu Malkenu by Cantor Hainovitz

This 3 CD set, "P'tach Lanu Sha'ar" by Asher Hainovitz is one of the many 
'hidden treasures' at Hatikvah Music that is not on our web site, however, we 
have in stock.  The cost of the set is $50.94 + shipping. 

We have over 800 titles that are not on our site, so, even if you do not see 
it there, we just very well might have it in stock...just send us with your 
request, and we will contact you by e-mail

Haitkash Music
323) 655-7083
In a message dated 9/10/3 4:01:29 PM, SamWeiss (at) bellatlantic(dot)net writes:

The Hainovitz recordings are beautiful to listen to and are a significant 
step up from elementary Nusach, yet are not overly ornate. Thus they are 
useful as a melodic reference for the beginning Ba'al Tefillah, as a 
stylistic reference for the intermediate Ba'al Tefillah or for Klezmer 
musicians seeking to hear authentic Nusach well-performed.  They are also 
liturgically more complete than the recordings mentioned above, being based 
on the Orthodox Machzor.
You can check out all of the 90 or so clips at
Just be aware the titles do not correspond to the clips as you get further 
down the list.  Thus the Avinu Malkenu is actually not #70,  but #68.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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