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Portland Chamber Orchestra: "Creme de Klezmer" concert with D Krakauer

Just in case anyone is headed to Oregon this weekend....

The Portland Chamber Orchestra opens its season this Saturday night
(9/13) at Reed College (Kaul Auditorium) with "Creme de Klezmer", an
all-Jewish program featuring these compositions:

* Tefilot (Noam Sheriff)
* Celestial Dialogues (Ofer Ben-Amots)
* Truat Melech (Andre Hajdu)
* Concerto Grosso #1 (Ernest Bloch)

This is the Pacific Northwest premiere of the first three pieces.
(Bloch is big in Oregon, having spent his last 20 years here.)

The concert features David Krakauer on clarinet, yours truly on vocals,
concertmaster Andrew Ehrlich (my longtime friend and colleague here in 
the Liquid Sunshine State), and conductor Yaacov Bergman.

The music is pretty exciting, but it's also a rare opportunity to see
me in a tailcoat.  (Di Naye Kapelye frowns on grasshopper suits....)

For more about this concert:


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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