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Re: yiddish and jazz

In a message dated 9/4/3 10:08:07 PM, pinnolis (at) brandeis(dot)edu writes:

<< It's extraordinary to have Yiddish sung on a jazz station in a general 

cultural setting a half century after 'Bei Mir Bist Du Schein' was a big hit. 

That's enormous. And it says something about what we can bring with us into 

the future,-- some from the past, some blended, and some newly created.


I just discovered a radio station that evidently plays mostly show 
tunes--they play the Barry Sisters perfoming show tunes (Cabaret, Tea for Two, 
Mame) in 

and so it goes........

Hatikvah Music

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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