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Re: singing without vibrato

starting long held notes with the purity of no vibrato is exacting, 
demanding but also exhilarating.
singing with less  vibrato is something I have tried to master more and 
more these days..
I find the sound more dangerous and  therefore more exciting.
fascinating comments everyone

On Wednesday, September 3, 2003, at 12:33 PM, Sam Weiss wrote:

> Not so.  "Vibrato" is only tangentially related to "vibration".  Of 
> course, all sound production entails "vibration," but the predominant 
> characteristic of "vibrato" -- whether wide or narrow -- is the slight 
> =waver=  or =variation= in pitch (along with subtle modulations of 
> volume and tone).  It is very possible to sing without vibrato.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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