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Re: Klezmer Band Input Requested by a Music Ed Student

Klezmer pulls at us from many directions, but there is 
nothing like the listening and dancing, and playing, to 
"get it".
Just down the road in Charlottesville, our more or less UVA 
affiliated Klezmer group Simchah! is a going concern 
currently in an enthusiastic phase. It currently includes 
students faculty and community folks. and we have just 
completed a successful recording project.  We will be 
having a CD release concert at the Gravity Lounge on the 
Cville downtown mall, probably Tues Nov 4. It would be 
great if you could come, among other things you would meet 
several young women, part of the "newest generation" and 
hear their stories. I also have a good friend in town,  who 
is one of the most experienced klezmorum in Virginia, a 
fine accordion player and very knowledgeable whom I suspect 
you could interview if you wanted to run up this way. Let 
me know if I can help. There is also an active group in 
cer7q (at) virginia(dot)edu

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~ I am a Music Education student and cellist at Virginia
> Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA.  I came across
> your site when performing a "Google" search on Klezmer
> music.  I was very excited to know that there are groups
> such as yours performing this music.  I am planning on
> doing my research paper for my Intro to World Music class
> and would like to ask if any of the members of your group
> would mind giving their opinions on the influence of
> Klezmer music in America and why they feel it is an
> important part of our culture here today.  I would also
> like to know what it is that inspires each of you to
> perform this particular style of music.  Unfortunately,
> all I would be able to offer for your efforts in return
> is a reference on my bibliography page and perhaps a few
> new followers of the Klezmer music tradition!
> Please let me know if you or other members would be
> willing to help me with this project, it is certainly
> alright if you are not able to, I just need to find my
> sources over the next couple of weeks in order to finish
> my project by the due date.
> Thank you for your time!
> Suzanne
> maerzsr (at) vcu(dot)edu

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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