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camps/favorite kleztown

Finding out that Horowitz/Brotman/Segelstein formed a performing/teaching
trio just made my day.  What a great combination waiting to happen!

1) After attending Klezcalifornia (which, to me as a 7 month old
Klezconvert, was a true rite of passage with all symptoms of falling in love
and one's life being turned upside down/downside up) and reading about
Klezcanada and Klezkamp, each event seems to have a distinctive
socio-cultural-religious flavor.  If this has already been discussed at
lenghth in the past, please ignore; otherwise, how would those of you who
have been to two or three of the camps describe the differences and

2nd, in your personal opinion, what's the best city to live in in the United
States to be a "professional" Klezmer?  NY? Boston?  Probably depends on
what style of Klezmer you work on.

-Annette Brodovsky, fidl player, Freilachmakers String band

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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