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New website for Jewish Music Distribution - (JMD) in the UK

Just to let every body know that Jewish Music Distribution's website is now up 
and running! What makes it distinctive is the emphasis on UK based artists and 
a selection of titles that are only distributed by JMD in the UK. There is 
information about Jewish music and a section about concerts in the UK which we 
are hoping to build up (if any artists on the list want us to include their 
information please email me off the list).

We charge only £1.50 per shipment in postage to send CDs anywhere in the world 
so do visit the site. Hope you find something that interests you. 


Noa Lachman
Jewish Music Distribution 
PO Box 67 
Hailsham BN27 4UW
Free phone: 0800 7811 686
Tel/Fax: (44) 01323 832 863
email: orders (at) jewishmusic-jmd(dot)co(dot)uk

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