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Portuguese Sephardic liturgy

hi, I haven't heard that specific one yet, but have heard what may be either 
the same or a similar recording, prepared by my colleague Hervé Roten, who did 
his doctoral dissertation on the music of the Bordeaux synagogue. It seems that 
most of the melodies are relatively late, i.e. that little if anything remains 
of whatever the original founders of the community may have sung "back then" in 
POrtugal. This, naturally, doesn't detract from the musical value of the 
recording (no music is "better" or "worse" just because it's older or newer) , 
just that it isn't very likely any of it goes back to pre-expulsion Portugal or 
anything like that.
Read Edwin Seroussi's excellent book on the music of the Hamburg Portuguese 
Sephardic community,
cheers, from the misty mountains of Asturias, JUdith

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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