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Re: Books: Israeli Music

Hi -

I had to reply only because of my fond memories of singing that song in my
youth in our Ichud Habonim choir (makhela) - by the way, the song is
"Shuru, Habitu, Ur'u", celebrating the miracle of transforming the desert.

I'm not sure if the book title is Shiru or Shuru. It's listed for sale on
the site - I don't know if they really have it, of
course, as I didn't actually buy it.

Other song books - that site has several, Tara ( has
many others. Browse their music books by category, select "Israeli".

Do you already know the songs you are looking for, or are you seeking a
book that specifically identifies songs that are linked to
historical events, discusses the connection, etc? That is something else
again, I would need to look at home to see if I have anything I would
recommend. I also have a number of old songbooks that have a lot of songs
that were not so famous - if you have any specific songs you are looking
for, I could check in them for you if there is something specific that you
are seeking.


On Wed, 30 Jul 2003, Robert Wiener wrote:

> Does anyone have advice for books on Israeli music?
> 1. Book(s) that has the lyrics in Hebrew, transliteration, and
> translation of Israeli songs relevant to Israel's history?
> 2. Where I can purchase the following book:
> Taharlev, Yoram and Mordecai Naor, "Shiru Habitu Ur'u: The Stories
> Behind The Songs" (Hebrew), (Tel Aviv: The Ministry of Defense, 1992)
> (I am trying to get purchase a copy directly from The Ministry of
> Defense.)
> It may be out of print.  (I am aware that the Jewish Theological
> Seminary library apparently has a copy.)
> Bob

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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