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Re: Music, technology and prerecorded tracks

I agree with much of what has been said.

Computer aided music and Computer-Aided-Production-&-Arranging are catching
up but will never replace the real thing!.

Stuff I have played with:

Ntonyx style-enhancer. Can process MIDI to immitate, intimate real play.
Some instrumental styles quite successful, others less so. This is a "micro"
system. Lacks the micro-macro-dynamics that go with live performance! Go
their site They have a CD out which is unbelievable.
I hope to do so as well. And it is not prohibitively difficult to synch MIDI
with a vocal with a lot of rubatto (after the fact).

MagicBaton. From Japan, marketed as a game and probably no longer available
outside Japan. Use your mouse to conduct music. Not as easy as one might
think, even with the Gyro-mouse (in the air gesture controller) I bought for
this purpose. A shame it was never made into a serious tool. The thing
works. One person conducted a real choir with MIDI-orchestra accompaniment.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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