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John Zorn

> Subject:
> Re: sources on John Zorn
> From:
> Gwynne Sigel <gittele (at) comcast(dot)net>
> Date:
> Sat, 12 Jul 2003 21:27:53 -0400
> To:
> World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
> Hello,
> I am writing an article on John Zorn and am looking for good sources 
> to consult. Any suggestions from list members would be very welcome.
> Thanks in advance,
> Gwynne
Gwynne, I would suggest contacting the fellows from Mr. Bungle.  Zorn 
produced their first CD, and they spent a considerable amount of time 
with him.  Trevor Dunn (who has his own website and shouldn't be hard to 
reach)  still performs with Zorn in his various incarnations, including 
a goodly many of the Jewish-tinged ones.   I was present at some of the 
Mr. Bungle/Zorn sessions, and interacted with Zorn socially.   Not only 
is he a huge talent, but he's a real mensch as well.
Best Of Luck,

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