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Strauss/Warschauer Duo Performing and Teaching in London with JMI this Summer

The Strauss/Warschauer Duo will be performing and teaching as part of the 
exciting events taking place in London this summer!  See below for more 

-------------------------------------------------There is an opportunity to 
study all types of Jewish music in London  this

summer.  Below are details of courses in Learning Yiddish in a week and the

now famous KlezFest - all with workshops, masterclasses and performances.

For more details and registration forms please see the JMI Website

Yiddish Language one-week Summer Course in London

Sunday 29 June - Friday 4 July 2003

Ot Azoy! This is the way to speak, read and write Yiddish in a week!

A Brilliant Crash Course in Yiddish language and culture for beginners to

intermediate level and above.

Language tuition, literature, folklore and song from 9.30 - 6.00pm with

evening Yiddish entertainment

The course is led by Dr Khayele Beer, of University College London

Faculty includes Dr Pesakh Fiszman of Columbia University NY and

Dr Sonia Dratwa-Pinkusowitz of the Martin Buber Institute Brussels

Full Rate   £295    Student Rate    £195     some scholarships available

book online at  or e-mail jewishmusic (at) jmi(dot)org(dot)uk  
for more

detail and a registration form

KlezFest London 2003

Sunday 6 July -Thursday 10 July

Traditional Eastern European Jewish Music for instrumentalists, singers and


- amateur and professional, beginners and experienced.

Five days of workshops, masterclasses and performances, on the origins,

style and repertoire of Klezmer music, Yiddish song and dance. A chance to

work with the most inspiring practitioners on the klezmer scene today

including Michael Alpert, Alan Bern, Kurt Bjorling, Stuart Brotman, Josh

Dolgin, Zalmen Mlotek, Deborah Strauss, and Jeff Warschauer.

Features Songs and Stories of the Yiddish World, at SOAS, 9 July introduced

by Michael Grade CBE and a reception at the House of Commons to launch the

JMI International Forum for Yiddish Culture

KlezFest opens at the South Bank Centre Sunday 6 July with workshops,

performances and films open to the public and Gala Concert: Klezmer Klimax

II 7.45pm features Solomon and Socalled's HipHopKhasene with special guest

David Krakauer and above stars Queen Elizabeth Hall  box office: +44 (0)20

7960 4242 6 July

Hotel or University accommodation. Student and early booking discounts,


reductions if booking for both courses

Full Rate   £295    Student Rate    £195     some scholarships available

book online at  or e-mail jewishmusic (at) jmi(dot)org(dot)uk  
for more

details and a registration form  (discounts if booking for both courses,

some scholarships available)

Organised by the Jewish Music Institute SOAS, University of London, In

association with the Department of Music and Language Centre SOAS, and YaD.

Supported by the Jewish Chronicle.

Part of World Music Summer School at SOAS

Ot Azoy! Yiddish Crash Course

Sunday 29 June - Friday 4 July 2003

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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