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All Musical Shabbos in Chicago tomorrow night

Shalom chevre,
If you happen to be coming through Chicago
(or know someone in the area), come on by
this Friday night!

Shabbos Zimrot ? This Friday, June 20!!!
Tune In, Turn On, Up with Joy!

Michael Meltzer and Michael Rubin (M&M) will be leading 
an All Music Shabbat Service this Friday starting 
at 8PM (yes, really at 8PM). 

Often we think of song as something we do in between the 
prayers, instead of the song or chant BEING our prayer to 
HaShem. When we are able to join together with this kavannah,
it can be a deep and powerful experience for the entire 

This Shabbos, we invite Makom members and guests to open up 
in sweet surrender with our hearts, minds, and voices. 
This is the second of three musical shabboses in the next three 
months, as we build our foundation of joy and deep connection. 

Please join us for this very special evening of heartfelt prayer. 
Bring any rhythm instruments and get ready to elevate your soul!

WHEN: This Friday, June 20 at 8.00 p.m.
WHERE: Makom Shalom, 637 S. Dearborn in Chicago (Printer's Row)
QUESTIONS? Call 312-913-9030 or e-mail merubin (at) attbi(dot)com or
michaelmeltzer (at) sbcglobal(dot)net

MICHAEL E. RUBIN            
e-mail:   merubin (at) attbi(dot)com
tel:      847-840-1757
"I believed in the healing power
 of words..." - Eugene Fitzpatrick
      "Until the End of the World"

     Shalom 'n' Namaste, y'all!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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