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Re: Turkish music

Drats!  I done it again. Sorry, didn't realize I replied to the list.

<< < Way to go Simon! Stuff at that Kalan site looks real interesting. I'm 

you'll let us all know when you have these things?

Hi Eli, 

You bet!  Hopefully this will all happen in the very near ain't 
easy bringing ANYTHING in from Turkey. As you might have noticed on their 
the shipping cost form Turkey are VERY high and we're trying to get around 
that problem. 
As soon as we do, I'll let you know. There are other Jewish-Turkish artists, 
and hopefully we can work something out to bring them all.
We've already brought in Los Pasaros (they're on our site) and we're now 
"talking" to Janet & Jak Esim...

Speaking of Sephardic music, I'm in the middle of unpacking a huge shipment 
of the Savina Yannatou CD, 'Primavera en Salonco" from Greece. This is my 
seller for the last 6 months. What a beautiful recording. I picked up a 
of her non-Jewish CDs for myself..she's amazing.
Nice hearing form you!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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